Saturday, July 26, 2014


Tidak bertanya, tapi sibuk membuat andaian.
Tidak berpendirian tetap, tapi sibuk percaya fitnahan orang.
Tidak sahih, disebarkan pula.

Firman Allah bermaksud: “Wahai orang yang beriman, jika datang kepada kamu seorang fasik membawa sesuatu berita, maka selidik (untuk menentukan) kebenarannya, supaya kamu tidak menimpakan sesuatu kaum dengan perkara tidak diingini, dengan sebab kejahilan kamu (mengenainya) sehingga menyebabkan kamu menyesali perkara yang kamu lakukan.” (Surah al-Hujuraat, ayat 6)

Hati ini punyai perasaan, sama seperti manusia lain.
Mula dengan mengusik, lama-kelamaan jadi tabiat. 
Tapi alasannya untuk men'doa'. Tak perlu rasanya.
Just to make it clear, jika usik-mengusik itu berlarutan, sama seperti kamu membina tembok yang besar di antara persahabatan kita. Terutamanya bila sesuatu hal itu adalah satu andaian yang tidak jelas kesahihannya. Diri ini sangat sayangkan hubungan di antara manusia. Kadang-kadang, tidak berniat untuk mewujudkan 'gap' antara kawan, tapi you have asked for it. I would be a better friend if you could atleast, understand the situation.

Kami rapat kerana kami sahabat,Kerana kami faham, walau apa yang terjadi,
Sahabat itu kekal.

SO, pada yang selalu buat skandal, tak salah. But, if you keep doing it, you may lose your friend, which is me. :) 


Saturday, July 12, 2014


"A Family Stitched Together With Love Seldom Unravels"

Theres a story behind a group of people who called themselves as 'Gemoks'. 
If you are offended with that terms, then you are not worthy to be in the group. Gemoks as in flabby, mostly refers to someone who are fat or overweight, but what do this group of people understood was that, gemoks is for people who are unfit. So, its just widen the scope of the terms 'Gemoks' to be used for slim individual, or even someone who suffer aneroxia. Special isn't it? :D

Well, the truth is... 'Gemoks' means more than anything, for me... But, you must be in the gang of "Gemoks" to endure that kind of insult. I would call them mentally strong individual who are able to accept themselves. Its not about you are big in size or shape, it is the matter of how you can accept people calling you the worst nickname, but still you can put a smile on your face. When you get used to people calling you "Gemoks" , then slowly, gradually you will be able to fight with the feeling that you already lose the weight, yet people keep calling you gemoks.

In terms of loitering, you will feel more comfortable sharing stories with them. Them who I called 2nd family here in IIUM. Building the perception between ourselves takes times. We can't blame a person of being too 'manja' or dad's princess and all that, they have been brought up that way. We are not entitled to change how they mingle with others. It comes to the point that you just accept who they are, the background of their family. The person that inspired them, that help them through tough times. Then you will know their strong and weak points in life, together finding a way to comfort each other in 'unfriendly way', just to make sure boys don't go beyond their egos, its just how boys deal with this kind of situation. 

Crazy stuff. Its a turning point of being too 'step baik' most of the time. Researches said that nice people tend to do bad things, and vice versa. I have a different thought about this, there's a different in being 'nakal' and 'jahat'. You can be both at the same time, but its okay to be 'nakal' as long as you practice Islam. That was my thinking. About being naughty, you tend to breaks laws, not islamic law, but human law and codes. Such laws are not meant to be enacted. People are afraid to do what is beyond human creativity. Some laws are being kept to uphold the company's honour name, corporate company for example. Thus limit peoples hidden capability. It is not the free country, but it all goes back to Islamic Law. Whether, you are able to restrain syaiton's temptation to do mungkar. 

Okay, whats with the crazy stuff? it involves crazy activities that were normally planned adhoc-ly. How did the adhoc plan contributes to best of any friendships? Haha. Simple, planned activites set our minds of doing future things. From our childhood, we've been taught to think about the futures, construct the plan from the beginning, if it all goes well, then people assumes they were successful, not entirely true, but for the sake of saving our future, lets assume it is true. 

Surprisingly, if its all have been planned, it is not a surprise anymore. Dr. Gregory Berns mentioned in his findings, "the brain finds unexpected pleasure more rewarding than expected ones". So, we may subconsciously desire the unpredictable experience over the experience that we consciously believe we prefer. Be truth to your feelings. If you had a crazy idea, doing that idea will make you a happy man. Life's too short to wait for a perfect moment. Sometimes being truthful is all what you need to do.

It feels good when you have someone to open up to. Theres a time when you want to share something, a nice and cozy place is all that you need to tell stories over coffee. Great time huh? it makes amazing memories, it can get you attached to one another. Being close to someone doesn't mean that you are in special relationship or whatsoever, they are your buddies for a lifetime. Be grateful for what you have now infront of your eyes, you have someone who can run to when you face any difficulties in life. 

There's a point where I felt like I want to share everything with this group of "Gemoks". The feels of acceptance from them makes it more comfortable for me and for everyone else. I learn how to take advantage of the confidence that was built within me, to build new skills that eventually help me in my life. 

That is it.
Allah, free Palestine and all muslims that were oppressed. Save Gaza during this holy month of Ramadhan. Grant them their du'a. 

Allah, jagalah mereka yang ku kasihi. Permudahkanlah jalan mereka, pandulah mereka ke arah cahaya hidayahMu. Hindarkanlah mereka dari niat khianat jin dan manusia. 


Nazrul Arif.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Help them ya Allah.

World Cup is just a delusion.
A mind trap in a way that make people think, others don't matter.
Cold blooded way or strategy to stoned people's mind.

Dari dulu sudah berlangsungnya Piala Dunia 2014. Liputan luas seolah-olah menyambut ketibaan tuhan. Sengaja pula dibuat 4 tahun sekali supaya disambut dengan pujaan. 

Sedang manusia menahan sakit mata dan penat badan untuk terus jaga dari tidur semata-mata untuk menyaksikan Brazil lawan Germany, atau Belanda lawan Argentina, seolah-olah penduduk Israel menyaksikan bom-bom mereka menghujani Gaza. Palestin diserang. Ya, dari berkurun lamanya, kesedaran tiada mengapa? kerana kita sentiasa dahulukan dunia atas segala. Solat dibuat atas syarat semata. McDonalds yang dulunya konon-konon diboikot sewaktu tumpahnya darah Palestin di muka bumi di makan kembali, kemudian tengah scroll-scroll facebook, terserempak dengan gambar-gambar yang menyayat hati, bayi yang masih kecil mati syahid, belum sempat dia mendapat nikmat dunia, kasih sayang ibu bapa, telah pun dia menemui Allah. Sehingga visual keganasan Israel kelihatan, baru la masyarakat kembali memboikot barangan Israel, why? because we don't experience any hardship yang Palestin lalui, atau mungkin kita hanya mementingkan diri sendiri. Kita solat lima waktu, mengaku yang diri ini beriman, walhal semuanya atas kertas. Seperti rakyat Palestin, tidak sempat membuka mulut, jasad mereka secara otomatik berjihad, mengharapkan Allah, meletakkan nasib mereka di tangan Allah, mati di jalan Allah. Allahu.

Sadis, disaat penganut Islam di serata muka bumi, menikmati malam yang tenang di bulan Ramadhan, Gaza diserang teruk. Sahur mereka di dunia, dan boleh jadi Iftar mereka di syurga. Begitu pengecutnya Israel pabila Hamas menggertak akan menyerang mereka, walhal dari kacamata dunia, mereka nak memperlihatkan bahawa kaum mereka yang terhebat, berani, gagah semua ada. Penipuan apakah? Di mana pemimpin negara yang bersuara berani untuk menghalang kekejaman ini di bulan mulia ini ya Allah. This is not about religion anymore, this is about the humanity.

Namun, terdapat juga puak-puak Yahudi yang menipu, dikatakan gambar-gambar di facebook semunya gambar lama. Thats not important, its about humanity. How you treat others in a same manner as how you treat your own kind. Kita manusia, darah sama warna. What makes you superior that the others? Tiada tempat Zionis di atas peta muka bumi.

Boikot barangan Israel, tolong. 

Sedikit luahan kerana hati tak tahan. :')

Yang lemah,
Nazrul Arif.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Learn through experience.

Sukar. Benar. Memang susah untuk mengajar seseorang erti kehidupan, melainkan membiarkan mereka sendiri yang menempuhi asam garam dlm hidup harian. Tapi generasi sekarang suka disuap. Source of information ada dihujung jari. Nak pergi baca newspaper, online. Ke mana pula zaman dulu, setiap kali nak keluar, beli newspaper, dibelinya sarapan sekali. Duduk di ruangan dapur makan dan berbincang sekali isu semasa dengan keluarga. Dari situ, secara tak langsung didik anak-anak untuk peka terhadap isu semasa. Dan sekaligus melahirkan satu generasi yang peka terhadap isu semasa, it helps them to learn and appreciate things too. Bukan nak kata dengan keluar beli newspaper, dapat mengubah generasi. Melampauuu. Satu analogi, bahawasanya usaha semakin sedikit untuk generasi sekarang yakni "Generation Y", yang sangat manja, sukar untuk menerima teguran dan mengharapkan satu kejayaan dengan usaha yang minima. Tidak keterlaluan bila bercakap begini, kerana 'research' telah dilaksanakan, dan the issues has been debated a lot in international level. Kalau di Taiwan, mereka menamakan 'Strawberry Generation", kerana strawberri zaman sekarang di tanam tempat yang selesa berbanding sebelumnya, yang juga refleks kepada generasi manusia zaman sekarang. 

Ya ampun bila melihat kanak-kanak yang sudah moden, di'equip'kan dengan gadget serta phone yang tak kena dengan usia. Tahukah bilamana ada kedai yang menyediakan khidmat 'Free Wi-Fi', budak-budak dengan effortless boleh surfing pelbagai jenis website. Kalau website islamic, alhamdulillah. But what if it is porn or any 18+ rated websites ?

Hidup biar mcm orang dahulu. Kerja keras untuk dapat sesuatu. 

Berbalik kepada topik, mengajar seseorang bukan sekadar teori, kerana teori hanya menggunakan minda memaham dan menghafal sahaja, tidak untuk berfikir secara teknikal. Dan selalunya true lessons are not written in the text book. The textbook only written to be understood. If you want to be good in communication, you need to expose yourself in an english surrounding that requires you to only speak in english not just reading and understand the english books. Involve yourself and you will learn. Try to adapt with surrounding and you will be good in making friends. Try not to judge people, so they will not judge you. Potray a good example and people will respect you. Don't be judgemental about something. Some are bad, but not forever bad, maybe you are worst than them. 

Haha. Tak tahu kenapa hati nak tulis entri ni. Mungkin as peringatan kepada diri in the future. Selamat berbuka! :) 

Masih mencari,
Nazrul Arif.


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